A downloadable game for Windows

Sacrifumble is an asymmetric vertical platformer where players race to the top of an ever changing level facing deadly challenges controlled by the overlord player.

Not all players have the same level of power but all share the same goal: reaching the top. One player however will be cursed and will play the "Overlord", a being of immense power. The Overlord can not win the game unless they manage to turn back into a minion by killing one of the other players.  Springing deadly traps on the tower and rotating pieces of the level to create an ever changing playing field and potentially squash players are all options in the overlords power to return back to the world of the living.

As a minion your only goal is to hold on to your life as well as you can and be the first to make it to the top in one piece to achieve glorious victory.


Sacrifumble_x64.rar 129 MB
Sacrifumble_x86.rar 110 MB

Install instructions

To play, download the x86 or x64 version depending on your system, unzip the file and run the .exe file in the unpacked folder.

Development log

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